Taking Care of Your Jewellery

You will be able to enjoy your fine jewellery pieces for many years, but keep in mind that jewellery is delicate and will only stay in a mint condition if you take proper care of it. Here are some tips we recommend:

· Take your jewellery off before showering, applying lotion or perfume, exercising, washing dishes, gardening or swimming.

· Always put your jewellery on when lotions and perfumes have dried completely.

· Before bedtime, lay your jewellery out flat on a fabric surface to avoid scratching and/or tangling.

· You can clean your jewellery pieces at home using a soft toothbrush and sunlight liquid. Brush the metal and diamonds gently and rinse with clean water.

· We don’t recommend using ultrasonic cleaners for our jewellery.

· White gold rings should be rhodium plated annually, if the industrial white colour is desired.

· Check your ring regularly for loose stones - if you feel or hear a tapping sound, your stone is loose in its setting. Reach out to us to have your ring serviced.